Remedial Department
“Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try.”
Our Remedial Programs
Forbrain® is a user-friendly device that uses bone conduction and a series of dynamic filters to give the user feedback of his/her own voice.
The teacher does sounds or reading with the learner using the device.
Using this device regularly can help with:
Focus, attention, concentration
Reading skills
Short-term and working memory
Communication skills
Social interaction skills
Motor (vestibular) production
The Tomatis Method uses sequences of music (primarily Gregorian Chant and Mozart) to improve auditory processing, also with a bone conductor.
The learner listens to the music, while doing something relaxing e.g. puzzles, drawing, lego’s etc.
High pitched frequencies stimulate the brain and provide energy, as many learners with learning problems/challenges do not perceive high frequency sounds well. They do not get the ear energy needed to memorise and concentrate.
Doing Tomatis regularly can:
Improve speech and language skills
Improve communication and behaviour
Help with balance and coordination difficulties
Help with depression and anxiety
Help with learning a new language
Helps with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia
Help with developmental writing disorder & arithmetic disorder etc.